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The May Fair Hotel is thrilled to be presenting this special gala screening of ‘Keeping Rosy’. With film in its DNA, The May Fair Hotel is synonymous with the film and entertainment industry, and are proud to be supporting independent filmmaking. This British thriller stars Maxine Peake (‘Shameless’), with brilliant performances from Blake Harrison (‘The Inbetweeners’) and Christine Bottomley (‘The Arbor’). Charlotte (Peake) is a woman who is completely defined by her career. All she wants from life is to be cut a slice of the media agency she has devoted herself to building. However, the fragility of her perfect existence is exposed when, after finding out she’s been betrayed in the boardroom, she returns home and takes her anger out on her cleaner. As Charlotte’s life disintegrates, we follow her on a heart-racing journey of self-discovery, atonement and danger as she fights for a rosier future.[收起部分]